Monday, October 26, 2009

Happy Together

Welcome to Monday everyone. For some reason today I am actually in a good mood. This is very rare for a Monday. Usually I am still homicidal after my first coffee, and finally become half personable around 11 am or so.
Not today. I have too much to be happy about in my life. One of them being a friend of mine is coming from out-of-province to spend the weekend with me. I love having guests for the weekend, especially ones that I don't get to see for long periods of time.

I don't have a food post today, last night I had leftover carbonara for dinner. Also uncharacteristic of me, since I don't like to eat leftovers for dinner.

Which brings me to... what makes you happy? Bonus if it's food related but feel free to mention anything.

My list includes:
-Brooklyn, my dog. (The one pictured above)
-Grocery shopping
-A song that I love playing on the radio
-Red meat
-Getting my hair done
-Seeing my niece and nephew
-Making a recipe that came from my mom


Tante said...

How about, meringue nests with sherbet and marshmallow sauce and a tums afterward.

Rebekah A.d. said...

You better believe it. What a good idea that was