Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Blaze of Glory

For us Canadians, it was Thanksgiving this past weekend. Which means for a good portion of us... turkey dinners with family. I was fortunate enough to attend two family dinners. One with my immediate family and some friends, and the other with my grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins.

The dinner with my immediate family was the most eventful for sure. To start with, one of my sisters and I were in charge of making the vegetable sides for dinner. For every turkey dinner (Easter, Christmas, Thanksgiving) since we have been given the veggie task, we have made carrots and peas.

The carrots are pretty standard. Boil until soft, drain, and serve with margarine and a bit of sugar on top.

The peas, however, we jazz up a bit. Start off by browning some bacon in a large pan. When the bacon is brown, remove it from the pan and set on some paper towel. Add chopped red onion to the bacon fat in the pan and saute until soft. Add a bag of frozen peas (remove from the bag first!) and if you are making these for a turkey dinner add a ladle full of the turkey gravy. When the peas are heated through, add the bacon, and stir to combine.

After dinner, two of my sisters and I played Rook with our dad. If you haven't played Rook, it's a card game using Rook cards, not a standard deck of cards. My mom and our family friends had retired to the basement to watch some TV, leaving my parent's living room unattended. Partway through our card game that was being played in the kitchen, my dad says "What's burning?"

I go out to the living room, and see that my mom's coffee table is covered in flames. One of her centerpieces had gotten too close to the candles, and the whole table was now on fire. Luckily my one sister and I are quick thinkers in a bad situation, and we quickly blew the fire out. To quote Michael Scott "I saved a life today-my own. Am I a hero? I really can't say...but yes". Sadly I only have pictures of the after burn, and not of the actual fire.

All in all it was a great day... I am ending with this picture of the turkey. It struck me as funny.


Unknown said...

I would say that we saved thanksgiving even.

Rebekah A.d. said...

I guess you could say that

Amber said...

I gotta try those peas sometime! Maybe I'll do it for our Christmas dinner! We don't normally have jazzed up veggies...but they sound so yummy! :)

Rebekah A.d. said...

Luckily, I showed you how with step by step photos

Anonymous said...

These were incredible mmmmmhmmm so good, and okay you win 5 pts for saving the house this year

Tante said...

Wow, you and Erika are heroes...

Rebekah A.d. said...

It's true. We really are